
My hope, it sat upon a butterfly of painted wing, drinking deeply of the aroma of flowers. And of its steed, she flew on in bonny fashion, rising and falling only to rise again; without insulation for the winter, nor experience of icy blasts. My hope and her were blessed companions, for one cannot sense the cold and the other requires recovery without it.


"Morrow’s Dawn"

Into the morrow’s yawning dawn,
In effervescent gay sprung hues,
And dalliance of autumnal blues,
Bambi’s dream left and right,
We pray without fires flight,
Yesterday’s foliage a lain feast,
Bounty of acorns bright and new,
Speaking of long horizons ghast,
Speaking of long horizons merry,
To parental audience,
Praying weathered hands of timeless bond,
Remove wall bricks one and one,
Pay heaven’s very toll,
For the mooring of fate’s bonny ferry,
The birth of liberty’s frontier,
The homeward bound pathway,
Strewn with verdant spikes of tree-blossomed gift,
Awaits the forge of bonfire day tracks,
In everlasting transience.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 11, 2022.

Hope is an act of true courage from the bravest part of your soul. To open your eyes and be willing to see that the road to better things is challenging and full of effort, that's good, that's how this broken world will get fixed.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 8, 2021.

Hope is when we see the beauty of the black night, how it embraces the stars as its family of the heavens. Hope is when we realise that we have the power to see such beauty, to reach toward it with naked hearts and be elevated into better ways.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 8, 2021.

When your world is as black starlit heavens and in that ether you float, hope is the light that forms a rope and anchors you to the chance of a better future.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 1, 2021.

When there was no light, when there was nothing beyond the boundaries of my skin, hope was a ladder woven of heaven's vibrations that spoke right to my healing soul.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 1, 2021.

In darkness,
Believe in light,
In loneliness,
Believe in friends,
In sorrow,
Believe in joy,
In pain,
Believe in empathy,
In frustration,
Believe in patience,
In anger,
Believe in perspective,
In indifference,
Believe in love,
For in evolving wisdom,
Lives hope for us all.


Hope is in the way you smile, in the way you are quiet when you reach out with your eyes. It when you pause, gathering strength to make a better choice, to breathe and let love have a moment to guide you. Hope is in that soft shrug of yours, the playfulness that lets me know you actually believe in yourself after all. It's in the way you walk, more confident than before, holding your head a little higher. Every time you reach for the sun, you are part of the hope for us all, a precious part of life on Earth.