
Of all the companions the universe could have sent, I am forever in gratitude that it was you I met. For in your company, in your strong emotional warmth and intelligence, I became a version of myself that I had given up as lost.


He was the kind of bonny teddy bear, in gentle brown hues, that childhood dreams of night and day are made from. His fur was kitten-soft, his smile as an offered cup to hold-safe childish emotions whatever they may be. In his eyes was warmth, ever a sparkle in their loving-black. As such he was the perfect companion, the perfect hand to hold.


Should you ever be blessed with a companion of sweet temperament, of loving passion and great loyalty, the universe is either rewarding what you have done or what you will do. These blessings are given to offset the curses you have accepted for the betterment of others.


Companion come. God, I'm lonely. I need some fun, tell me you need it too. Tell me you need me to take that place in your emotional world. Companion come.