My life is full of despair and tragedy, but with each passing day, I aim to count my blessings and remember that there are people in this world, who have it far worse than me.
Being an imaginative person isn’t as easy as people think. Especially for someone like me. Being imaginative is fun as you can create character’s and whole world’s, but you sometimes struggle with writing these ideas down. Or other times, you can’t come up with a single idea, and rely on others for the inspiration, but once you have that you can write anything and everything about that idea, even if it’s not very good. Sometimes the best thing to do is write down what you think there and now, and then when you have the perfect words, write a paragraph or poem or sentence or story full of imagination and creativity.
In a world full of darkness and sadness nowadays, I want to create a ball of light to fight off the darkness, and to give people hope.