
Dear Cartels,

I hear Jesus loves you. How wonderful. So happy for you. Thing is, assholes, I'm his bodyguard. Which makes the whole cross thing my fault. I have shit I need to put right, you know how that goes. I am the commander of the warrior angels and they send me in when asses need kicking. This place is a fucking mess. This is a courtesy call to ask which side are you on. I expect a reply "money-funsters" (keeping this a bit family friendly). I am the ghost you don't wanna ghost because my backup is higher up, you dig?

Commander Angel Star


Commander Angel Star, or "Angel Star," leads the angels of lore, the artistic angels who fix broken worlds. She takes orders only from the Divine Creator and, in matters of defence, Commander Knight Angel, or "Knight Angel," her lover. In matters of lore, he defers to her instruction. As lead angel of lore, she is a healer of worlds, a saver of creation. As with her lover, however, her primary calling is always defence of the Divine Creator.


Only in the noble dark of Knight Angel will the light of Angel Star shine, for in all other types of darkness she is camouflaged by divine order.


Angel Star is the keeper of Holy Lore, often called law by mankind. Yet she is a storyteller and will weave truth into many tales of fiction. She is a creator of myth and legend. Lore is flexible and thus is capable of holding divine truth; law is inflexible and a cause of war and harm. Angel Star is thus always telling the truth as if it runs in liberty alongside the imagination. She teaches love as supreme first principle as the key to comprehension of her fairytales. In other words she is the brightest star of heaven, the first archangel. Her yin yang pair is the Knight Angel, her lover, her eternal soul-partner.


The legend of Angel Star has been told for generations, that she moves unseen by order of God until the return of the Knight Angel, her protector. For they were made as a pair and will only bring peace when united.


The "Legend of the Knight Angel" is a lesson in chivalry from the grandest of masters. It is a story that resonates through the ages and to the core of each soul that exists in each given moment. It is one of the threads of the divine universe and always woven to the legend of his lover, the Angel Star.


The primary task of Angel Star in whatever reality she is sent to fix, is to restore the love-nexus. The primary task of Knight Angel is to protect Angel Star and ensure that the restoration of the love-nexus is as successful as possible. When they are not within another reality, their primary task is the protection of the Holy Creator, she with application of lore and he by commanding the legion of knight angels. In addition, in emergencies each can take over the role of the other, yet will always surrender it when the other returns. When in other realities their communication to the creator is run via Gabriel. The three of them are Archangels and are kin to one another.


Commander Angel Star, in her 1970s reincarnation to human form in the Earth Matrix, was born with two superpowers. The first is that she is slightly deaf. The second is that she is mildly dyslexic. And while those appear as disadvantages to others, they combine to create the ability to see in lore and language what others do not. Because her brain struggles over sounds and their connections to arrangements of letters, she sees and hears hidden messages. She is then able to begin to change language so that the hidden messages say positive things instead of negative things. She is able to start evolving lore and language in a way others cannot. Thus, when in creative flow, this ability becomes an art she masters and combines with the science of the brain (Angel Star is a biologist in this lifetime). She begins to feel the true power of lore and its ability to transform the world. It is only then she begins to see who she is, who Commander Knight Angel is, and the future they need to build.


Commander Angel Star has a broad sense of humour and laughs easily, this sense of being in tune with the funny elements of living helps her to endure the serious aspects of her duty to her Creator and creation. She tells the truth at all times unless there is a strong reason not to. She has a great instinct for what is the more virtuous act in all situations. She is no prude. She enjoys rude humour when it is done with intelligence and abhors that which is crude or demeaning. She loves fashion, good hair, good food... all things creative interest her - she has an artistic flair. Angel Star is athletic, often channelling her sexual frustrations into sport when her lover is absent.


You were birthed without signature, sweet ghost of the angels, to protect you from the bounty hunters. And so, to find and authenticate your recovery, we look at your paw prints, for they are riches of heaven's keep.


The drive toward variation meets the drive toward conformity for group safety in opposite directions. The relative power of these forces in the neurology of each organism and the society will determine the strength of each. Variation is favoured by safety and has the power to drive creativity and discovery. Conformity is favoured by adversity in all forms, a recipe of negative factors combined. It is, however, worthy of note, that these forces are not equal. The history of humanity is a bloody tale of genocide. Thus only the survivors are our collective ancestors. Thus the drive toward conformity is a preparation for war and is amped in power by comparison. Thus in times of fear the proper leaders must have an upper brain (PFC) capable of dominating their primitive drive and converting that amped power into solution finding over war strategy. It is a simple switch, yet all leaders must possess the ability for such.